Brian D. Jacobs

Strategy and Partnership in Cities and Regions: Economic Development and Urban Regeneration in Pittsburgh, Birmingham and Rotterdam

Policy-makers in Pittsburgh, Birmingham and Rotterdam are confronted with rapidly changing social and economic environments. Public- and private-sector organizations in the three cities are increasingly addressing regional issues strategically, ...

Ian Chalmers, Vedi R. Hadiz, Murdoch University Asia Research Centre

The Politics of Economic Development in Indonesia: Contending Perspectives (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia, 9)

Since the 1970s, the Indonesian economy has boomed and is considered one of the world's greatest success stories. It has also transformed Indonesian domestic policies in fundamental ways. Translating key speeches and articles from the political ...

Sander M. De Bruyn

Economic Growth and the Environment - An Empirical Analysis (ECONOMY & ENVIRONMENT Volume 18)

Is economic growth good for the environment? A number of economists have claimed that economic growth can benefit the environment, recruiting political support and finance for environmental policy measures. This view has received increasing support ...

Stephen Valdez

Introduction to Global Financial Markets : Fourth Edition

An Introduction to Global Financial Markets describes the various financial sectors in clear and easy-to-understand terms. The book reflects the fact that the world is moving toward a single global market and provides a broad and ...

<<<  David Mosse. Texts and Tribals: Inside an Overseas Aid Project (Anthropology, ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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