Maurice Scott, Deepak Lal

Public Policy and Economic Development: Essays in Honour of Ian Little

In this festschrift for Ian Little, Professor of Development Economics at the University of Oxford, distinguished experts evaluate policy questions in such areas as exchange rate policy, problems of market stabilization, industrialization of ...

Gary S. Fields

Distribution and Development: A New Look at the Developing World

Most of the world's people live in "developing" economies, as do most of the world's poor. The predominant means of economic development is economic growth. In this book Gary Fields asks to what extent and in what circumstances economic growth ...

Janos Kornai

Highway and Byways: Studies on Reform and Postcommunist Transition

Hungarian economist Jnos Kornai first used the metaphor of a single path to postsocialist transition in his earlier book, The Road to a Free Economy . The new metaphor that frames this collection of recent studies reflects a broader ...

Andrea L. Kavanaugh

The Social Control of Technology in North Africa: Information in the Global Economy

In order to improve productivity and economic development, developing countries have been expanding their telecommunications infrastructure and integrating advanced information technology into their socioeconomic system. Some scholars argue that new ...

<<<  National Research Council. Making Aquatic Weeds Useful: Some Perspectives ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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