T. R. Williams

Igniting the Power to Succeed

This stimulating, no-nonsense program is enhancing thousands of lives across the country by revealing practical proven principles, strategies and techniques that are guaranteed to transform your life, family, students, organization or business. ...

Leonard J. Marcus, Leonard J. Marcus, Phyllis B. Kritek, Velvet

Renegotiating Health Care,   : Resolving Conflict to Build Collaboration

The health care sphere we inhabit would unquestionably be more satisfying if everyone adopted the cooperative techniques taught in this book. --New England Journal of Medicine Renegotiating Health Care presents pragmatic and ...

Paul F. Clark, John Delaney, Ann Frost

Collective Bargaining in the Private Sector (Industrial Relations Research Association Series)

Private-sector collective bargaining in the United States is under siege. Many factors have contributed to this situation, including the development of global markets, a continuing antipathy toward unions by managers, and the declining effectiveness ...

George Labovitz, Victor Rosansky

The Power of Alignment : How Great Companies Stay Centered and Accomplish Extraordinary Things

Misaligned companies, like cars out of alignment, can develop serious problems if not corrected quickly. They are hard to steer and don't respond well to changes in direction. This groundbreaking book shows you how to get —and keep —all ...

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