Louis Phlips

Applied Industrial Economics

This book is an important collection of papers published over the past ten years in American and European journals. Part 1 explains market structure as a function of sunk costs and market size. Part 2 illustrates the central role of pricing schemes ...

Jerry Acuff, Wally Wood

The Relationship Edge in Business : Connecting with Customers and Colleagues When It Counts

Praise for the Relationship Edge in Business "A great coaching tool for every sales manager?finally, a book that outlines step by step how to build both strong customer and personal relationships." ?John M. Woychick, Senior ...

Nicholas Boothman

How to Connect in Business in 90 Seconds or Less

Persuade a client to buy what you're selling. Energize the boss to act on your ideas. Rally the staff to see themselves as members of your team. No matter what the situation, success in business depends on having effective relationships. Nicholas ...

Thomas V. Morris

If Aristotle Ran General Motors

Since its hardcover publication in 1997, If Aristotle Ran General Motors has been one of the year's most talked about books, not only in the United States but around the world, where it has been translated into many languages. Author Tom Morris has ...

<<<  Marc Edge. Pacific Press: The Unauthorized Story of Vancouver's Newspaper ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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