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Carmen Teresa Whalen From Puerto Rico to Philadelphia: Puerto Rican Workers and Postwar Economies
"We were poor but we had everything we needed," reminisces Dona Epifania. Nonetheless, when a man she knew told her about a job in Philadelphia, she grasped the opportunity to leave Coamas. "He went to Puerto Rico and told me there were beans
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Richard F. Tomasson, Faye J. Crosby, Sharon D. Herzberger Affirmative Action: The Pros and Cons of Policy and Practice (Asian Voices)
Hailed at the time of its original publication as a thorough and balanced debate of one of America's most vexing political issues, "Affirmative Action" employs a pro and con format to provide a concise introduction to this divisive debate. In a new,
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John R. Hall Reworking Class
The twelve essays in this volume propose new directions in the analysis of class. John R. Hall argues that recent historical and intellectual developments require reworking basic assumptions about classes and their dynamics. The contributors
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Jan Breman, Arvind Das, Ravi Agarwal Down and Out: Labouring Under Global Capitalism
Poverty is the dominant feature of the working lives portrayed in this book. But the misery of these men, women, and children in India has little to do with the underdevelopment of the past. The poverty here is caused by development and is
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