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Oliver E. Williamson The Economic Institutions of Capitalism: Firms, Markets, Relational Contracting
"An extraordinarily impressive achievement and must reading for all serious students of law, economics, and organization".--Paul L. Joskow, Professor of Economics, Massachusetts of Technology.
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Ylmaz Akyuz, Yilmaz Akyuz Reforming the Global Financial Architecture: Issues and Proposals
This book reviews recent measures in global finance to show how little has been done to establish effective global arrangements that address the main concerns of developing countries. Its proposals for alternative measures draw on the latest
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Sanford V. Berg, Michael G. Pollitt, Masatsugu Tsuji Private Initiatives in Infrastructure: Priorities, Incentives and Performance
Public-private collaboration in infrastructure projects takes place in a variety of institutional frameworks worldwide. This volume considers the different cultural, political and legal settings in the US, UK, Japan and other countries and regions
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William J. Cook The Evolving Corporation : A Humanist Interpretation
Long the dominant organization of western civilization, the modern corporation is now obsolete, says Cook, and is being replaced by a new system of human organization, one that reflects no less than the changing aspects of society itself. Cook's
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