Kevin A. Hassett, R. Glenn Hubbard

Inequality and Tax Policy

Inequality has become a hot political issue, but there has been little accessible analysis by professional economists on equity issues in tax reform. Inequality and Tax Policy addresses those very issues. Drawing from the most current research, ...

Laszlo Goerke

Taxes and Unemployment: Collective Bargaining and Efficiency Wage Models

Unemployment remains a major problem for economic policy at the beginning of the millennium. Taxes and Unemployment investigates how tax policy affects labor market outcomes in industrialized countries and to what extent it can be used to combat ...

Paul Krugman

The Great Unraveling: Losing Our Way in the New Century

A galvanizing new work from America's leading economic critic?a book that will set the terms of the political debate for years to come. No one has more authority to call the shots the way they really are than Paul Krugman, whose provocative ...

Bruce Champ, Scott Freeman

Modeling Monetary Economies

The approach of this text for upper-level undergraduates is to teach monetary economics using the classical paradigm of rational agents in a market setting. By teaching from first principles, the authors aim to instruct students not only in the ...

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