Charles D., Jr. Thompson, Melinda F. Wiggins

The Human Cost of Food : Farmworkers' Lives, Labor, and Advocacy

"This is an excellent book, well-written, thoughtful, and scholarly, in a field which has very few overviews accessible to non-specialists. It is definitely a contribution to the literature and will fill a large gap in existing materials, especially ...

Gerardo R. Ungson, Richard M. Steers, Seung-Ho Park

Korean Enterprise: The Quest for Globalization

Korean Enterprise presents a comprehensive look at Korea's business culture, the country's efforts to become a global player, and the challenges that lie ahead. Korea's economy has become the eighth largest in the world, yet Korean enterprises face ...

Eileen Boris

Home to Work: Motherhood and the Politics of Industrial Homework in the United States

In the minds of most people, the home has stood apart from the world of work. Bringing the factory or office into the home challenges this division. From the 1870s, when New York cigarmakers attempted to end tenement competition, to New Deal ...

Michael W. Howard

Self-Management and the Crisis of Socialism

While some conclude from the revolutions of 1989 that socialism is dead, interest in socialism continues because of persisting problems of contemporary capitalism. In this exciting text, Michael W. Howard offers critiques of liberal, communitarian, ...

<<<  Shale Horowitz, Uk Heo. The Political Economy of International ...             Malcolm Greenwood, Martin Carter. Business ... >>>

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