Oystein Noreng

Crude Power: Politics and the Oil Market

Almost 30 years after the first oil price shock if 1973-4, oil remains of crucial importance to consumers and producers alike. A major analysis of the world's dependency on Middle Eastern oil, this work examines the economic and political ...

Robert O'Brien, Marc Williams

The Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics

This new text on global political economy provides a uniquely ranging historical account of the emergence of a worldwide economy since the 15th century combined with a systematic analysis of international political economy today. The book is ...

R. Kent Weaver

Ending Welfare As We Know It

In 1996, the sixty-year old Aid to Families with Dependent Children program was replaced by a new, and dramatically different, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program. President Clinton had promised in his 1992 presidential campaign to "end ...

Robert Brenner

The Boom and the Bubble: The US in the World Economy

Only a handful of years ago, the world economy seemed poised on the edge of catastrophe, as financial firestorms ripped through East Asia, Russia and Latin America. A sustained period of significant growth in the US, however, seemed to save the day ...

<<<  Terence C. Mills. The Econometric Modelling of Financial Time Series             Malcolm Greenwood, Martin Carter. Business ... >>>

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