Natalie F. Harris, Nils Conrad Persson

ES&T Mag.Presents Computer Troubleshooting & Repair

Compiled from articles and prefaced by the Editor in Chief, Nils Conrad Persson, this book provides valuable, hands-on information for anyone interested in computer repair. IBM compatibles and the Apple Macintosh are covered in this useful guide. ...

John Adams

Complete Guide to Video

Explains video technology systems in easy-to-understand language and outlines the common components of modern audio/video equipment. Provides details and features of the newest gadgets and will help with shopping choices by providing answers that ...

Timothy J. Maloney

Electricity: Fundamental Concepts and Applications

ALSO AVAILABLE Laboratory Manual, ISBN: 0-8273-5040-6 INSTRUCTOR SUPPLEMENTS CALL CUSTOMER SUPPORT TO ORDER Computerized Test Bank, ISBN: 0-8273-4678-6 Printed Test Bank, ISBN: 0-8273-4658-1 Instructor's Guide, ISBN: 0-8273-4677-8 ...

James L. Antonakos

Simulations for Digital Electronics Using Electronic Workbench

This lab manual provides hands-on experience in using the virtual instruments of Electronic Workbench to simulate the operation of many typical digital circuits -- from basic logic gates (AND, OR, inverter) through ...

<<<  David F. Beer. Writing and Speaking in the Technology ...             Malcolm Greenwood, Martin Carter. Business ... >>>

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