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Natalie F. Harris, Nils Conrad Persson ES&T Mag.Presents Computer Troubleshooting & Repair
Compiled from articles and prefaced by the Editor in Chief, Nils Conrad Persson, this book provides valuable, hands-on information for anyone interested in computer repair. IBM compatibles and the Apple Macintosh are covered in this useful guide.
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John Adams Complete Guide to Video
Explains video technology systems in easy-to-understand language and outlines the common components of modern audio/video equipment. Provides details and features of the newest gadgets and will help with shopping choices by providing answers that
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Timothy J. Maloney Electricity: Fundamental Concepts and Applications
ALSO AVAILABLE Laboratory Manual, ISBN: 0-8273-5040-6 INSTRUCTOR SUPPLEMENTS CALL CUSTOMER SUPPORT TO ORDER Computerized Test Bank, ISBN: 0-8273-4678-6 Printed Test Bank, ISBN: 0-8273-4658-1 Instructor's Guide, ISBN: 0-8273-4677-8
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James L. Antonakos Simulations for Digital Electronics Using Electronic Workbench
This lab manual provides hands-on experience in using the virtual instruments of Electronic Workbench to simulate the operation of many typical digital circuits -- from basic logic gates (AND, OR, inverter) through
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