Thomas Menkhoff, Solvay Gerke

Chinese Entrepreneurship and Asian Business Networks

The degree to which the extensive business networks of ethnic Chinese in Asia succeed because of ethnic characteristics, or simply because of the sound application of good business practice, is a key question of great current concern to those ...

Asset Protection and Security Management Handbook

The Asset Protection and Security Management Handbook is a must for all professionals involved in the protection of assets. For those new to the security profession, the text covers the fundamental aspects of security and security management ...

Ellen J. Gaucher, Richard James Coffey

Breakthrough Performance

Transform your organization. Learn to inspire the critical shared sense of urgency that is key to effective and successful innovation with acclaimed quality management gurus Ellen Gaucher and Richard Coffey as your guides. Drawing on analysis of the ...

Michael Jinkins, Deborah Bradshaw Jinkins

The Character of Leadership : Political Realism and Public Virtue in Nonprofit Organizations

Behold, I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes, and as innocent as doves. --Matthew 10:16 . . . remarkable example of practical humanities scholarship. . . .Those who lead all sorts of nonprofit ...

<<<  Margaret Mary Gootnick, David Gootnick. Action Tools for ...             Malcolm Greenwood, Martin Carter. Business ... >>>

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