Ben Jackson, Champ Clark

Asterisk Hacking

Asterisk hacking shows readers about a hacking technique they may not be aware of. It teaches the secrets the bad guys already know about stealing personal information through the most common, seemingly innocuous, highway into computer ...

Christopher Claxton Stevens

18th Century English Furniture--Norman Adams

The 18th century was a period when British design and craftsmanship reqached its pinnacle yet there are curiously few books on the subject. This work illustrates and discusses over five hundred of the finest (and sometimes most unusual) pieces ...

Oliver Schliebusch, Heinrich Meyr, Rainer Leupers

Optimized ASIP Synthesis from Architecture Description Language Models

For the first time advances in semiconductor manufacturing do not lead to a corresponding increase in performance. At 65 nm and below it is predicted that only a small portion of performance increase will be attributed to shrinking geometries ...

Sarah Nettleton

The Simple Home: The Luxury of Enough (American Institute Architects)

For everyone who craves a simpler lifestyle, not only in how they live but also where they live, The Simple Home features 21 houses and presents six different approaches to creating a home that realizes its full potential both simply and elegantly. ...

<<<  Simon Cann. Building a Successful 21st-Century Music Career             Четыре жизни Чехова. Альбом представляет собой иллюстрированный ... >>>

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