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Ralph Stair, George Reynolds Fundamentals of Information Systems, 4th Edition
Now in its fourth edition, Fundamentals of Information Systems has been heavily revised and reorganized, yet continues to offer a concise overview of information systems fundamentals in a short, nine-chapter format. Seasoned authors Ralph Stair and
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June Jamrich Parsons, Dan Oja, Roy Ageloff, Patrick Carey New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Brief (New Perspectives Series)
In the New Perspective Series, this title takes a case-based, problem-solving approach to teaching Microsoft Excel 2007 skills.
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Scott Molloy Trolley Wars: Streetcar Workers on the Line (Becoming Modern: New Nineteenth-Century Studies)
American cities' rapid expansion after the Civil War fueled the growth of organized transportation systems-- omnibuses, horsecar, and, later, electric streetcars. Trolley Wars traces the social dynamics of these first mass-transportation systems as
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Roger M. Olien, Diana Davids Hinton Wildcatters: Texas Independent Oilmen (Kenneth E. Montague Series in Oil and Business History)
In the 1970s and 1980s the Texas wildcatter was a recognizable figure in popular culture. Since then, the wildcatter's role is less celebrated but still important, as shown in the new introduction to this edition of a book originally published in
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