Adobe Creative Team

Adobe Flash CS3 Professional Classroom in a Book

This project-based guide from Adobe will teach readers all they need to know to create engaging interactive content with Flash CS3. Using step-by-step instructions with projects that build on the knowledge learned in each lesson, readers will learn ...

Handbook of Agricultural Economics, Volume 3: Agricultural Development: Farmers, Farm Production and Farm Markets (Handbook of Agricultural Economics) (Handbook of Agricultural Eco

Volume 3 of this series of the Handbooks in Economics follows on from the previous two volumes by focusing on the fundamental concepts of agricultural economics. The first part of the volume examines the developments in human resources and ...

Dov Seidman

How: Why How We Do Anything Means Business (and in Life)

The flood of information and unprecedented transparency reshaping today’s business world has dramatically changed the rules of the game. It’s no longer what you do that sets you apart from others, but how you do what you ...

Reed Jacobson

Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Visual Basic for Applications Step by Step (BPG-step by Step)

Experience learning made easy, and quickly teach yourself Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)--one step at a time! Work at your own pace through the easy numbered steps and practice files on CD, and master the ...

<<<  Dick Stroud. The 50-Plus Market: Why the Future Is Age ...             Четыре жизни Чехова. Альбом представляет собой иллюстрированный ... >>>

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