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Mark L. Sirower The Synergy Trap
With acquisition activity running into the trillions of dollars, the acquisition alternative continues to be the favorite corporate growth strategy of this generation's executives. Unfortunately, creating shareholder value remains the most
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Robert Wood, Tim Payne Competency-Based Recruitment and Selection
Much has been written on the various methods of recruiting and selecting staff, including how competencies, increasingly the building blocks of the recruitment and selection process, fit in. What, however, the personnel professional faced with
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Skill Wars, Winning the Battle for Productivity and Profit
Skill Wars shows how to increase productivity and profits by making investments in human capital development. It addresses the disparity between the available jobs and available workers. By education and training only 20% of all American workers can
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J. Scott Armstrong Principles of Forecasting - A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners
Principles of Forecasting: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners summarizes knowledge from experts and from empirical studies. It provides guidelines that can be applied in fields such as economics, sociology, and psychology. It
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