Bruce Buskirk, Molly Lavik

Entrepreneurial Marketing: Real Stories and Survival Strategies

Entrepreneurial Marketing: Real Stories and Survival Strategies features success stories and lessons learned from eight famous founders. Each Module begins by chronicling the development of the driving philosophies of key successful individuals such ...

Ned Racine


In today's world, symbols and signifiers influence the way we communicate, learn, and understand. on standardized tests, vocational exams, and in the workplace, visual literacy is a growing area of assessment, and more and more frequently, students ...

Meeting Customer Needs (Chartered Management Institute Series)

This is a third edition of Meeting Customer Needs , a diploma level book in the Chartered Management of Institute series. This particular title meets the specific requirements of those taking the Unit DM45 entitled Customer Focus, Marketing ...

Paula Moreira

Ace the IT Job Interview!

Land the IT job of your dreams with help from this insider guide. You’ll discover valuable interview strategies for standing in the crowd as an applicant and learn best practices for representing your experience, education, previous ...

<<<  Beverly Inman-Ebel. Talk Is Not Cheap!: Saving the High Cost of Misunderstanding ...             Malcolm Greenwood, Martin Carter. Business ... >>>

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