Michel Greif

The Visual Factory: Building Participation Through Shared Information (See What's Happening in Your Key Processes--At a Glance, All)

If you're aware of the tremendous improvements achieved in productivity and quality as a result of employee involvement, then you'll appreciate the great value of creating a visual factory. This book shows how visual management can make the ...

Daniel Yankelovich

The Magic of Dialogue: Transforming Conflict into Cooperation

In this groundbreaking work, famed social scientist and world-famous public opinion expert Daniel Yankelovich reinvents the ancient art of dialogue. Successful managers have always known how to make decisions and mobilize coworkers. But as ...

Robert W. Bly

Getting Started in Speaking, Training, or Seminar Consulting (Getting Started In.....)

Comprehensive Coverage Completely Up-to-date! Turn your expertise into a highly paid speaking career! Getting Started in SPEAKING, TRAINING, or SEMINAR CONSULTING Superstar speakers like Tom Peters get $30,000 or more for a ...

Sally J. Ray

Strategic Communication in Crisis Management

Communicating successfully is crucial if an organization is to survive and recover from a crisis. Focusing on the airline industry and some of the most recent headline-making disasters, Dr. Ray looks at organizational crises, the communications ...

<<<  William C. Ronco, Jean S. Ronco. Partnering ...             Malcolm Greenwood, Martin Carter. Business ... >>>

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