Guang-Zhen Sun

Readings in the Economics of the Division of Labor: The Classical Tradition (Series of Increasing Returns and Inframarginal Economics, 2) (2series of Increasing Returns and Inframa

Study of the progressive division of labor is a burgeoning industry in economics in recent years. Classical authors, dating back as early as 500 BC, have made insightful analyses on the determinants and implications of the division of labor. ...

Gaby Vargas

Todo Sobre La Imagen Del Exito

Language: Spanish For more than two decades, Gaby Vargas has immersed herself in the study of people's images, their language, behavior, gestures and manners. Thanks to her experience, she has shaped this book into a guide that holds the ...

Developing a Competitive Pearl River Delta In South China Under One Country-Two Systems

The Greater Pearl River Delta in south China, with a population of 47 million, is one of the largest metropolitan regions in the world and one of the fastest growing regions in China. This edited volume examines the economic, social, environmental, ...

Борис Ручьев

Борис Ручьев. Стихи

В сборник известного советского поэта Бориса Ручьева входят лучшие лирические стихотворения из книг "Вторая родина", "Соловьиная пора", "Красное солнышко" и других, а также поэма "Прощанье с юностью". Основная тематика произведений поэта - ...

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