Implementing Environmental Management Accounting: Status and Challenges (Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science)

Book DescriptionThis is the third book of selected papers on environmental management accounting (EMA) which has been developed by the Environmental Management Accounting Network - Europe (EMAN–Eu), drawn primarily from papers presented at ...

Louisa Sladen

A Mini Magic Color Book: Dinosaurs (Magic Color Books)

No nasty, fearsome, sharp-toothed creatures here. These dinosaurs are smiling and friendly, all ready to play. Best of all, through the magical pull of a tab, their bodies become wildly colorful. Tom the T-Rex turns royal red. Stellathe ...

David L. Frape

Equine Nutrition and Feeding

Equine Nutrition and Feeding has become the standard work on the subject, covering every aspect of the nutrition of breeding, growing and working horses, describing the basis upon which scientifically derived conclusions for nutrition and dietary ...

Ewald Rametsteiner, Gerhard Weiss, Klaus Kubeczko

Innovation And Entrepreneurship in Forestry in Central Europe (European Forest Institute Research Report)

Current developments in Central Europe will have far-reaching consequences on the region?s forestry and related institutional arrangements, such as forest administration, extension services and forest research. Future prospects for the rural ...

<<<  Barbara W. Murck. Environmental Science : A ...             Stephen Cosgrove. In Search of the Saveopotomas (Serendipity) >>>

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