Bioinformatics Technologies

Book DescriptionSolving modern biological problems requires advanced computational methods. Bioinformatics evolved from the active interaction of two fast-developing disciplines, biology and information technology. The central issue of this emerging ...

Mette Hjort

Small Nation, Global Cinema : The New Danish Cinema (Public Worlds)

Book Description Small Nation, Global Cinema engages the effects of globalization from the perspective of small nations. Focusing her study on the specific cultural context of the international film market, Mette Hjort argues that the New ...

Humphrey Jennings

Humphrey Jennings Film Reader

Book Description This anthology of the letters, articles, scripts, and radio talks composed by famous British filmmaker Humphrey Jennings offers readers a window into the life and times of this most idiosyncratic of creative talents who gained ...

Publius V. Lawson

Prince or Creole: The Mystery of Louis XVII

Book Description1905. Though written in popular style, this book is intended as the real verified history and complete biography of the Lost Little King, uncrowned Louis XVII, of France; the thrilling story of a real life, that seems almost unreal ...

<<<  Quinlan B. Lee. Scrunch Up! Stretch Out! ...             Stephen Cosgrove. In Search of the Saveopotomas (Serendipity) >>>

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