Delbert N. Abbott

Courage and Cowardice : The Liberation Of Kuwait And The Rape Of Basra

Book DescriptionAs a Cavalry Scout Section Sergeant, author Delbert Abbott couldn?t understand why he felt troubled and upset about his part in Desert Shield/Desert Storm. He had taken part in the most decisive war in recent history, a ground ...

Jayson Duffy

Crossing Silver Creek: Narratives of Truth, Beauty and Goodness

Book DescriptionCrossing Silver Creek is a collection of personal narratives that create a story cloth of poetic prose. These narratives are sewn together with the common thread that truth, beauty and goodness can be found in the most unlikely ...

Microsoft Corporation

Integration Patterns (Patterns & Practices)

Book DescriptionBy providing common vocabularies and taxonomies, patterns enable software developers and architects to share important architectural, design, and implementation discoveries they make while solving commonly recurring technical ...

Andrey Gritsman

Long Fall : Poems, Texts, and Essays

Book DescriptionLong Fall is a must read for students of poetic translation, a primer for students of Russian-American Letters as well as a beginners guide for those interested in probing the arc of literary historical projection. ...

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