Geoffrey Philp

Twelve Poems and A Story for Christmas

Book DescriptionThe poems describe the journey of a newlywed couple, Mary and Joseph, to their ancestral homeland where they are to be registered in a census decreed by a tyrant. Mary is pregnant and Joseph knows that the child she is carrying is ...

Tim Powers

What If Our World Is Their Heaven? The Final Conversations Of Philip K. Dick

Book DescriptionIn the field of science fiction, the work of Philip K Dick is unparalleled. His novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? became the classic science-fiction film Blade Runner. His short story, "The Minority Report," was recently ...

Larry Todd

Nineteenth-Century Piano Music (Routledge Studies in Musical Genres)

Book Description19th-Century Piano Music focuses on the core composers of the 19th-century repertoire, beginning with 2 chapters giving a general overview of the repertoire and keyboard technique of the era, and then individual chapters on ...

Mike Oatman

Life With Ol Mike : Wit Wisdom on Life, Love and Happiness

Book DescriptionMike Oatman will forever be remembered as a man who lived the Great American Dream. His witty columns for the Wichita Eagle drew from his extensive business experience and personal views. His eager newspaper audience learned about ...

<<<  Nancy Krulik. Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo : ...             Stephen Cosgrove. In Search of the Saveopotomas (Serendipity) >>>

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