Tom Mason

Red Wolf's Daughter (MythQuest)

Book Description Alex doesn’t get to have all the adventures–this time, Cleo is going to Alterworld. Alex is preparing to make another trip into his father’s computer when Cleo accidentally touches the screen ...

David Kushner

Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture

Doom, the video game in which you navigate a dungeon in the first person and messily lay waste to everything that crosses your path, represented a milestone in many areas. It was a technical landmark, in that its graphics engine delivered brilliant ...

Carrie Asai

The Book of the Flame (Samurai Girl)

Book Description When I was six months old, I dropped from the sky -- the lone survivor of a deadly Japanese plane crash. The newspapers named me Heaven. I was adopted by a wealthy family in Tokyo, pampered, and protected. For nineteen years, ...

David W Burks

Brynna : Saga of a Viking Princess

Book Description"A smiling Brynna watched the swirl and splash of the armada as it formed up and fled before the wind. Whitecaps and spray flew from the prows, and every ship's company laughed out loud at their speed and the freshness of the spray ...

<<<  John Haskell. I Am Not Jackson Pollock: Stories             Stephen Cosgrove. In Search of the Saveopotomas (Serendipity) >>>

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