Renate Hochheimer

Eurindia : Inner Landscapes of a Traveling Teacher

Book DescriptionWhat about this book? . An amusing, bare, honest travel story of life's ups and downs during her one-year sabbatical. . A diary of her spiritual quest. . An educator's tales of success and frustrations. . ...

Patricia Rouner

Lose Weight with Green Tea : A Safe, Sensible Way Toward Weight Management

Book DescriptionDocumented research reveals what Asian cultures have known for centuries: Green Tea, rich in antioxidants, increases metabolism and helps burn fat. Lose Weight With Green Tea provides all the information you need to incorporate Green ...

William Indick

Movies and the Mind: Theories of the Great Psychoanalysts Applied to Film

Book DescriptionThe latent symbolism in film imagery can be psychoanalyzed just like the imagery in dreams. This work applies to film the psychoanalytic techniques of Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, Joseph Campbell, Otto Rank ...

Guy de Maupassant

A Parisian Affair and Other Stories

Book Description Set in the nouveau riche Paris of society women, prostitutes, and playboys; in the Normandy countryside; and on the French Riviera where Maupassant had lived, the thirty-four short stories in this volume are among the most darkly ...

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