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Irwin Michelfelder Ask Irwin: Life, Love, and HIV--A Collection of Essays
Book DescriptionFirst published in the late 1990s, Irwin Michelfelder's columns are timeless. He sees into human nature with clarity and compassion, gently guiding readers toward truth in their lives. "Ask Irwin" was a regular feature in Bay
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Josh, M.D. Werber Wake Up! You're Snoring: A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment
Book DescriptionAre You Tired of Snoring? Doctors David O. Volpi and Josh L. Werber have drawn upon their experience as otolaryngologists to provide useful medical information including: A· Case studies of patients who have
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James Emory Baugh From Skies of Blue: My Experiences with the Eighty-Second Airborne During World War II
Book DescriptionThis tells the experiences of a country boy growing up in a small town in Georgia, going through school in a military environment and working on a farm. He worked his way through the University of Georgia and was called to military
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Golden Books Peter Cottontail Easter Fun Pack
Book DescriptionEaster Fun Pack Peter Cottontail’s Easter Fun Pack is packed with Easter surprises! The reusable vinyl bag contains a mini coloring book, a mini storybook, crayons, egg stencils, egg holders, and dozens of colorful
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