Kevin Crossley-Holland


Book DescriptionThe Norse myths are second only to the Greek myths in their greatness and power, and and these stories of giants striding across the Nordic landscape, of stallions pulling the sun's chariot, of the trickster Loki's shapeshifting, of ...

M Chau

The Drug Wars : The Script

Book DescriptionAfter the Terror Wars, the world is still a dangerous place; Drug Cartels continue to supply drugs, shadowy criminal organizations have emerged, and bounty hunters operate in defiance of the law. In the ongoing War on Drugs, ...

John Walter Hill

Baroque Music (Norton Introduction to Music History)

Book DescriptionIn this colorful and comprehensive history of music during the Baroque period, John Hill illustrates how social, political, and cultural forces contributed to the development of Baroque musical styles and conventions. This text ...

Geoffrey Cornelius

El lenguaje de las estrellas y los planetas : Guia visual sobre los misterios del cielo (Guias Visuales series)

Book Description This guide explores the profound meanings that humankind has attributed over the centuries to the heavenly bodies. Drawing upon a mixture of astrology, astronomy, anthropology, and other strands of both ancient and modern ...

<<<  Debra Borden. Lucky Me : A Novel             William C. Wright. How To Paint Watercolors That Shine! (15 Art Maps) >>>

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