Kent Byron Armstrong

Slasher Films: An International Filmography, 1960 Through 2001

Book DescriptionThe slasher film genre got its start in the early 1960s when acclaimed filmmakers such as Alfred Hitchcock and Michael Powell made provocative mainstream film such as Psycho and Peeping Tom, but it is most associated ...

Mike Searle

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy : Prima's Official Strategy Guide (Prima's Official Strategy Guides)

Book Description Two Heroes. Their Mission is the Same. Their Methods Couldn't be Further Apart. ·Complete walkthrough of Sphinx's adventures ·Maps detailing every area and crucial item ·Encyclopedia of all monsters ...

Austin Alter, Brooke Ackerley

Rhode Island School of Design: Off the Record (College Prowler) (College Prowler: Rhode Island School of Design Off the Record)

For honest, unbiased information, College Prowler delivers an inside look at college, straight from the students' mouths. Complete with hundreds of quotes, grades, stats, and reviews, each student-written guide offers a comprehensive collection of ...

Eugene Epstein (Illustrator)

Arthur (The Time Soldiers Series, Book 4)

Book DescriptionIn their fourth adventure, the Time Soldiers rescue Arthur Pendragon, the boy-king who has to prove himself by pulling an ancient sword free from the stone that holds it fast. They struggle to escape an evil knight, face the terror ...

<<<  Ted Dekker. The Martyr's Song             William C. Wright. How To Paint Watercolors That Shine! (15 Art Maps) >>>

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