Liang Ssu-ch'eng

Chinese Architecture : A Pictorial History (Dover Books on Architecture)

Book Description More than 240 rare photographs and drawings highlight this excellent pictorial record and analysis of Chinese architectural history. Based on years of unprecedented field studies by the author, the illustrations depict many of ...

Orson Scott Card

Speaker for the Dead (Ender Wiggins Saga)

Amazon.comEnder Wiggin, the hero and scapegoat of mass alien destruction in Ender's Game, receives a chance at redemption in this novel. Ender, who proclaimed as a mistake his success in wiping out an alien race, wins the opportunity to cope better ...

Jack Vance

The Gray Prince

Book Description When Schaine Madduc returned to Koryphon after five years in space, her home planet was not as she left it. The several intelligent species that had lived so long in a sort of symbiotic harmony were at each other's throats. Most ...

Ashok K. Banker

Demons Of Chitrakut (Ramayana Series)

Book DescriptionRama has quelled the demon invasion and thwarted Ravana. And he has wed the enchanting Sita. But the prince's problems are far from over. For Rama has been challenged by Parshurama?a fabled warrior who has never been defeated. ...

<<<  Pamela R. Calvin. The Expendables             William C. Wright. How To Paint Watercolors That Shine! (15 Art Maps) >>>

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