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George MacDonald The Princess and the Goblin (Princess Irene, 1)
Book DescriptionUnabridged Audiobook. 5 CDs - 5 hours, 19 minutes. Read by Ian Whitcomb. Young Princess Irene is sent to the country to be raised in a half farmhouse, half castle located in the side of a mountain. While exploring the top of the
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Terry Eddy Learning Construction Spanglish
Book DescriptionWhen construction managers need to talk about the specifics of a construction job – where the electrical outlets need to go, when the framing will be completed, how a plumbing problem will be solved – they need to be able
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Eiichi Taniguchi Logistics Systems for Sustainable Cities : Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on City Logistics (Madeira, Portugal, 25-27 June, 2003)
Book DescriptionUrban freight transport has become an important issue in urban planning. There are many challenges and problems relating to increasing levels of traffic congestion, environmental impacts and energy consumption. City logistics schemes
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Thomas P. Zurflieh AutoCAD 2004 : 3D Drawing and Solid Modeling
Book Description Providing an exciting introduction to the world of three-dimensional drawing, this book covers coordinate systems, viewpoints, layouts (paper space), three-dimensional surface models, solid models, and mass property
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