Dinh Q. L

Dinh Q. Le: From Vietnam to Hollywood

Book DescriptionHaunting and provocative, Dinh Q. Le's billboard-scale works interweave stills from Vietnamese films with war pictures, news photographs and archival documentary images. This interweaving is literal--the artist slices giant ...

Georges Bataille

The Cradle of Humanity : Prehistoric Art and Culture

Book Description The Cradle of Humanity: Prehistoric Art and Culture collects essays and lectures by Georges Bataille spanning 30 years of research in anthropology, comparative religion, aesthetics, and philosophy. These were neither idle nor ...

Paul Williamson

Medieval and Renaissance Stained Glass in the Victoria and Albert Museum

Book DescriptionThis long-overdue volume showcases the Victoria and Albert Museum's outstanding holdings of stained and painted glass-a peerless collection ranging in date from c. 1140 to 1540. The works include important examples from England, ...

Art In Our Time: A Chronicle of the Museum of Modern Art

Book DescriptionIn the late 1920s, conservative policies were the norm among traditional museums--that is, until three progressive patrons of the arts decided to establish an institution devoted exclusively to modern art. When The Museum of Modern ...

<<<  The Visual Mind II (Leonardo Books). Book DescriptionMathematical ...             William C. Wright. How To Paint Watercolors That Shine! (15 Art Maps) >>>

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