John Earnes

The Last Of The Maasai

Book DescriptionTo nineteenth-century Europeans, they were the "noblest savages," an elite corps of painted and feathered warriors, strangely aristocratic in their disdain of other people's civilization. For the Maasai, nothing has proved an ...


Salvador Dali

Oui: The Paranoid-Critical Revolution: Writings, 1927-1933

Book DescriptionCultural Writing. Art Criticism. "Pleasure is man's most legitimate aspiration." ('The Moral Position of Surrealism"). This book is a translation of the first volume of Oui- a collection of texts compiled and edited by Salvador ...


Rich Koslowski

The King

The King is an offbeat tale of one very enigmatic Elvis impersonator that's taking the Vegas strip, and the world, by storm. Shrouded in mystery with the shining gold helmet that covers his face, his performances are mesmerizing, and manyfans are ...


Joy Monice Malnar

Sensory Design

Book DescriptionWhat if we designed for all of our senses? Suppose for a moment that sound, touch, and odor were treated as the equals of sight, and emotion considered as important as cognition. What would our built environment be like if sensory ...


<<<  Dominic McIver Lopes. Sight And Sensibility: Evaluating ...             William C. Wright. How To Paint Watercolors That Shine! (15 Art Maps) >>>

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