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Linda Roodenburg De Bril Van Anceaux/Anceaux's Glasses: Volkenkundige Fotografie Vanaf 1860/Anthropological Photography Since 1860
Book DescriptionIn 1959, the renowned Dutch linguist Anceaux went on the last Dutch expedition to the interior of Dutch New Guinea. Anceaux gave his glasses to one of the Papuans. Expedition leader Brongersma made a photograph of the event. This
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Linde Salber Dali (Life & Times)
Book DescriptionSalvador Dali (1904-1989) was a Spanish painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and designer. Dali is one of the most important surrealistic painters and most eccentric of all artists of the Modern Age. His old-school techniques
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Jack Stephens Living Mirrors: A Corral Reef Adventure
Book Description This breathtaking book guides us into the secrets of the reef: gemlike crystals, rainbow colors, a wild profusion of fish and marine animals, deep blue pools that yield their treasures here as nowhere before. Accompanies an
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Sue Bishop Photographing Flowers : Inspiration Equipment Technique
Book Description Flowers are often a photographer’s favorite subject, and this sumptuous manual covers all the practical skills and aesthetic considerations involved in shooting an array of blossoms. Whether the image is a close-up of a
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