Daniel Sitarz

Small Business Legal Forms Simplified (Small Business Legal Forms Simplified)

Book DescriptionIn one comprehensive volume, all of the legal forms that a small business owner will need to deal with day-to-day legal situations are provided. Concise, instructions tell the reader when the forms are necessary, how to prepare ...

Adrienne Mack-Kirschner

Powerful Classroom Stories from Accomplished Teachers

Book Description "We must improve schools from within, utilizing our expertise as teaching professionals and placing ourselves at the center of the education reform movement. As Adrienne Mack-Kirschner informs us all in this important book, ...

Ian Gregory

Ethics in Research (Continuum Research Methods Series)

Book DescriptionThis book encourages reflection upon the inescapable ethical dimensions of the conduct of research. Gregory explores how ethical concerns inform not only the conduct of research but how they enter into the very decision to engage in ...

E.R. Klein

People First!: Professional and Business Ethics without Ethics : Professional and Business Ethics without Ethics

Book DescriptionThrough an innovative technique of making the process of the text more important than its thesis, Klein offers the reader the opportunity to take seriously the fact that it is time we try a new approach to the teaching and fostering ...

<<<  Stephen J. Spignesi. The Essential Stephen King: A Ranking of the Greatest ...             А. Ю. Скопинцев. Устные упражнения на английскую грамматику. ... >>>

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