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Joe Miller Great Salespeople Aren't Born, They're Hired: The Secrets To Hiring Top Sales Professionals
Book DescriptionSales is the most important function to any enterprise, but small business owners and entrepreneurs have no idea how to hire salespeople, let alone hire GREAT salespeople. Many entrepreneurs and small business owners often hire
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Richard Nelson Bolles Job-Hunting On The Internet (Job Hunting on the Internet)
Book DescriptionThis compact resource has established itself as the guide for anyone who?s taking their job hunt to the Internet. A companion volume to Richard Bolles?s best-selling WHAT COLOR IS YOUR PARACHUTE?, this book shows you how to
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Jennifer George Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior (4th Edition)
Book Description This book makes an authoritative and practical introduction to organizational behavior. It contains leading-edge coverage of topics and issues combined with a wealth of learning tools that help readers experience
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Stewart Liff Seeing Is Believing: How the New Art of Visual Management Can Boost Performance Throughout Your Organization
Book DescriptionThe visual elements in a workplace have a profound effect on its employees. Most organizations, however, do not recognize the power of design, art, sculpture, and graphics to create the vibrancy and energy that can drive productivity
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