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Simon Goldschmidt Strategic Affiliate Marketing
Book DescriptionEven though it can be argued that affiliate marketing is an old phenomenon, in a rapidly changing online business environment it is still a new and developing business area. This highly topical book contains a thorough analysis of
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Eloise Coupey Digital Business : Concepts and Strategies (2nd Edition)
Book Description Integrating marketing theory with Internet reality, this book helps readers develop the skills necessary to understand and integrate Internet technology and characteristics into marketing strategy. It helps them recognize and
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Aspatore Books Building a Successful Software Business: Top CEOs on Software Product Management, Growth Strategies, Sales, & More (Inside the Minds)
Book DescriptionInside the Minds provides readers with proven business intelligence from C-Level executives (Chairman, CEO, CFO, CMO, Partner) from the world's most respected companies nationwide, rather than third-party accounts from unknown
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Aspatore Books Content Management Leadership Strategies: Top CEOs on Growth Strategies and the Future of Content Management Solutions (Inside the Minds)
Book DescriptionInside the Minds provides readers with proven business intelligence from C-Level executives (Chairman, CEO, CFO, CMO, Partner) from the world's most respected companies nationwide, rather than third-party accounts from unknown
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