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Kaushik Roy, Sharat Prasad Low Power CMOS VLSI: Circuit Design
A comprehensive look at the rapidly growing field of low-power VLSI design Low-power VLSI circuit design is a dynamic research area driven by the growing reliance on battery-powered portable computing and wireless communications products. In
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Michael Freeman Digital Photography Expert: Close-Up Photography : The Definitive Guide For Serious Digital Photographers (A Lark Photography Book)
An acclaimed professional photographer, with a display of more than 400 beautiful color images, shows how to get close-up and personal with a digital camera. Michael Freeman teaches amateurs how to meet the challenges of this very special type
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Han-Uei Huang MC68HC11: An Introduction, 2E
The new, second edition of this comprehensive book on the 68HC11 microcontroller from Motorola is unique in that it uses both the assembly language (for better hardware control and execution time) and the C language (for faster projection
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Against the Clock Adobe(R) InDesign(R) 2 : Introduction to Electronic Documents (Against the Clock Series)
Written by educators, for educators, the Against the Clock series is the complete solution for courses in Graphic Multimedia or Web Design Software. The hands-on, project-based texts are packaged with resource CD-ROMs that contain all the files
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