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Chris Murray, Alexander Bicalho, Alex Montiero, catali Woods, Cat Woods, Kinetix Training Group, Alex Monteiro Mastering 3D Studio MAX R3
3D Studio MAX R3 is the latest version of the leading professional-level program for rendering 3D images and animations. It's used to create special effects for films, television, advertisements, and games. Written by a team of Discreet-certified
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Quick Source, Quick Source Adobe Acrobat 5.0 Quick Source Guide
This 6 page, tri-fold, full-color guide is an invaluable resource for anyone who uses Adobe Acrobat 5.0! It provides step-by-step instructions on how to: display the various toolbars; open, save, and print a PDF document; convert a file to PDF
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Richard Danielson Web Site Graphics: Flash Animation & DHTML: The Best Works on the Web
The Web Site Graphics series presents some of the best Web site design work being created today. Selected by designers for designers, each book in the series focuses on an important facet of graphic design online: together the collection is a
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Roger Pring Photoshop Type Effects Visual Encyclopedia
The ultimate rich resource for amazing type design with Photoshop. Nothing can ruin a stunning piece of art quicker than finishing it off with poorly executed type effects. The Photoshop Type Effects Encyclopedia is a non-linear tutorial and
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