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Roger L. Freeman Radio System Design for Telecommunications
This updated and expanded Second Edition describes the newest wave in the telecommunication revolution and includes information on such ascendent technologies as cellular radio, personal communication systems (PCS), very small aperture terminal
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Eugene S. Hudders CICS : A Guide to Internal Structure (The Wiley-Qed Mainframe)
The most comprehensive and useful CICS handbook available anywhere... This comprehensive handbook offers systems programmers the inside story on the internal structure of CICS—information you won't find in the official manuals,
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D. M. Calcutt, F. Cowan, G. Parchizadeh, D. Calcutt, Frederick J. Cowan 8051 Microcontrollers, Hardware, Software and Applications
The 8051 family of microprocessors are the universally accepted standard which all electronics undergraduates need to know about. Students with only an elementary understanding of microprocessors will find this text especially useful. '8051
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Alea Fairchild Year 2000 Compliance: A Guide to Successful Implementation
CTR's new 229-page report explores the impact the Year 2000 (Y2K) problem will have on organizations around the globe. The report is a step-by-step guide designed to help businesses develop and implement a Y2K plan, offering an easy-to-follow
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