Bonnie Marlewski-Probert, Bonnie Marleski Probert, Susan Stafford

The Animal Lover's Guide to the Internet: More Than 500 of the Most Fun, Information Packed Animal-Related Web Sites on the Internet

This book provides readers with nearly 600 information-packed web sites and descriptions. From dogs, cats, horses, reptiles, birds, fish and much more, this book is a great guide to the best that the Net has to offer. ...

Lisa Palac

The Edge of the Bed : How Dirty Pictures Changed My Life

In the early '90s, after a stint as a senior editor at the groundbreaking lesbian sex journal On Our Backs , Lisa Palac took charge of a new magazine called Future Sex . Tapping into the "cyber" ethos that permeated the Bay Area scene-- ...

Steven K. Galbraith

The Undergraduate's Companion to English Renaissance Writers and Their Web Sites (Undergraduate Companion Series)

This latest addition to the Undergraduate Companion Series confirms that the literature of Renaissance England is alive and well in the new millennium, presenting undergraduate students with an abundance of important resources necessary for ...

Tom Parker, Marcus Sachs, Eric Shaw, Ed Stroz, Matthew G. Devost

Cyber Adversary Characterization: Auditing the Hacker Mind

The wonders and advantages of modern age electronics and the World Wide Web have also, unfortunately, ushered in a new age of terrorism. The growing connectivity among secure and insecure networks has created new opportunities for unauthorized ...

<<<  Barbiturates - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and ...             Mark L. Gillenson. Fundamentals of Database Management ... >>>

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