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Jie Wu Distributed System Design
Future requirements for computing speed, system reliability, and cost-effectiveness entail the development of alternative computers to replace the traditional von Neumann organization. As computing networks come into being, one of the latest dreams
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Hillol Kargupta, Anupam Joshi, Krishnamoorthy Sivakumar, Yelena Yesha Data Mining : Next Generation Challenges and Future Directions (Distributed for AAAI Press)
Data mining, or knowledge discovery, has become an indispensable technology for businesses and researchers in many fields. Drawing on work in such areas as statistics, machine learning, pattern recognition, databases, and high performance computing,
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Eric Leebow You Are Here Kids & Family Internet Guide
Surfing The Internet For The Whole Family Parents, teachers, and kids are gathering around their computers to log onto the Net and explore the Web like never before with this family edition. You'll find great Web sites and reviews for the entire
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Steve Kennewell Meeting the Standards in Using Ict for Secondary Teaching: A Guide to the Itt Nc (Meeting the Standards Series)
This practical, comprehensive, and user-friendly text proves invaluable for students on secondary ICT courses, lecturers, and newly qualified ICT teachers.
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