Mary S. Gorman, S. Todd Stubbs

Introduction To Operating Systems, A Survey Course

Offering a broad survey of operating systems, this text provides a strong foundation for learning about the history, types, and functions of operating systems. ...

Pasewark Pasewark

Microsoft Word Applications for Microsoft Word 2002, Word 2000, and Future Versions (South-Western)

Provides a wide variety of applications, projects, and simulations that appeal to students with different comptuer skills and personal interests. This book works with Microsoft Word 2003, 2002 and 2000. ...

Ken Schmidt

Onimusha Tactics Official Strategy Guide

BradyGames' Onimusha Tactics Official Strategy Guide features advanced combat tactics. Comprehensive walkthrough and area maps that cover every aspect of the game. Expert boss strategy to defeat the most difficult bosses. Puzzle solutions, ...

Neal Allen

Network Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide

Today's rapidly changing technology offers increasingly complex challenges to the network administrator, MIS director and others who are responsible for the overall health of the network. This Network Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide ...

<<<  Michael Gunderloy, Susan Harkins. ICDL Review Exercises Exam Cram ...             Mark L. Gillenson. Fundamentals of Database Management ... >>>

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