Paul Barry

Programming the Network with Perl

It is no longer enough for today's software engineers to be able to program the computer and debug programs - the modern programmer needs to know how to program the network and debug communications. This book shows you how, using Perl. ...

Eric J. Braude

Software Design: From Programming to Architecture

UML (the Unified Modeling Language), design patterns, and software component technologies are three new advances that help software engineers create more efficient and effective software designs A helpful project threaded ...

Ed Nisley

Embedded PCs ISA Bus, The

A guide to real-world success with embedded ISA-bus systems, this book helps developers master both hardware and software techniques. Provided is an advanced and comprehensive compendium of practical techniques for bare metal ISA bus projects. ...

Inc Loki Software, John R. Hall, Loki Software Inc

Programming Linux Games

Complete guide to developing Linux games, written by the Linux gaming experts. Discusses important multimedia toolkits (including a very thorough discussion of the Simple DirectMedia Layer) and teaches the basics of Linux game programming. Readers ...

<<<  Stephen McQuerry. CCNA Self-Study: Interconnecting ...             Mark L. Gillenson. Fundamentals of Database Management ... >>>

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