John Zukowski

Mastering Java 2, J2SE 1.4

This fully revised edition of the best-selling Mastering Java 2 focuses on the latest version of J2SE, with an increased emphasis on standard Java language skills. You get enhanced coverage of Swing and the Collections Framework, plus coverage of ...

Mark G. Graff, Kenneth R. Van Wyk

Secure Coding: Principles and Practices

Despite their myriad manifestations and different targets, nearly all attacks on computer systems have one fundamental cause: the code used to run far too many systems today is not secure. Flaws in its design, implementation, testing, and operations ...

Nicholas G. Tomaiuolo, Barbara Quint

The Web Library: Building a World Class Personal Library With Free Web Resources

A guide to creating a comprehensive personal library using free web resources, this book demonstrates the steps to compiling a web library that includes a vast, rich collection of data, documents, e-books, reference materials, and images. Organized ...

Melanie Caffrey, Douglas Scherer, Melanie Caffrey

Oracle DBA Interactive Workbook

*Hands-on learning system that's fast, easy and web-charged! *FREE Access to Interactive Oracle DBA Training Web Site *Experience Oracle database administration-now! *No Oracle DBA experience necessary *Introduces core Oracle DBA topics ...

<<<  Brian K. Williams, Stacey Sawyer, Brian Williams. Using Information ...             Mark L. Gillenson. Fundamentals of Database Management ... >>>

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