Eugene Kennedy

Raising Test Scores for All Students: An Administrator's Guide to Standardized Test Performance

This unique resource marries knowledge about testing and test preparation with school improvement, providing a comprehensive guide for administrators. ...

Eric Alan Hanushek

The Economics of Schooling and School Quality (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, 159)

This authoritative two-volume collection brings together the most important published papers on the economics of schooling and school quality, issues which are at the heart of current intellectual and policy debates. Volume I presents articles ...

Pamela R. Toliver

SELECT Series: Microsoft Access 2002 (Volume I)

The Select family of books boasts a lively look and feel that takes a step-by-step approach to teaching Office XP tasks. Not only does the user step through the tasks, but the emphasis on projects in this series gives them practical knowledge of ...

Leila Tarazi Fawaz

Merchants and Migrants in Nineteenth-Century Beirut (Harvard Middle Eastern Studies)

During the nineteenth century, Beirut was transformed from a provincial town of 6,000 to a political and cultural center of 120,000, becoming the leading seaport of the eastern Mediterranean. This study examines the migration that lay behind much ...

<<<  Roger Haydock, John Sonsteng. Opening and ...             Blythe Camenson. Careers for Romantics & Other Dreamy Types >>>

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