Tom Murphy

Web Rules: How the Internet is Changing the Way Consumers Make Choices

In the Web world, nothing will ever be the same. The Internet is changing the balance of power between consumers, the companies they buy from, and the social and political institutions they interact with. Corporations and institutions have only a ...

Joseph T. Sinclair, RON UBELS

eBay Global the Smart Way: Buying and Selling Internationally on the World's #1 Auction Site

Buying and selling on any of the many international eBay sites opens up a huge range of possibilities for American users. The globalization of eBay -- with 28 sites worldwide -- offers vast new markets for American merchandise overseas, as well as ...

Charles F. Hofacker

Internet Marketing 3rd Edition with Wall Street Journal Handbook Set

Covers the complete topic, including an introduction to marketing on the Internet, sections on online promotion and communication, computer mediated selling, providing Web content, and a section on new Internet business functions and opportunities. ...

Practice of Public Relations (Marketing Series : Professional Development)

Public relations is an essential element in effective and successful business today. The theory of public relations does not change but the practice develops with new ideas and methods of management and business. This fourth edition of 'The ...

<<<  Kathryn Struckel Brogan, Robert Lee Brewer. 2004 Writer's Market Online (WRITER'S ...             Blythe Camenson. Careers for Romantics & Other Dreamy Types >>>

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