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Marye C. Tharp Marketing and Consumer Identity in Multicultural America
The lesson for marketers is clear: Traditional marketing techniques and single marketing campaigns will not effectively reach consumers who express distinctive ethnic, age-related, or lifestyle values by what they buy and how they buy it. Using a
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George P. Moschis, Euehun Lee, Anil Mathur, Jennifer Strautman The Maturing Marketplace : Buying Habits of Baby Boomers and Their Parents
The buying habits of baby boomers really do differ from those of their parents. The authors show how marketers can use each group's consumption patterns to reach both markets most effectively. Another insight: buying habits of these groups differ
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Madeline Bodin Maximizing Call Center Performance
This book shows call center managers how to leverage technology to solve specific needs. It's packed with innovative solutions for customer service, billing, collections, and technical support. It provides practical applications for technologies
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George Colombo Capturing Customers.com
Capturing Customers.com provides detailed and straightforward explanations and useful illustrations of strategies and tactics for successful selling and marketing of products and services in today's wired world. Sure, the Internet is an important
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