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Carol J. McNair The Profit Potential : Taking High Performance to the Bottom Line
Advance Praise for The Profit Potential "The Profit Potential breaks away from the stale nostrun served up in scores of 'new' cost management books in recent years. A leading cost management authority, McNair presents a refreshing new
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Knut Holt Market Oriented Product Innovation: A Key to Survival in the Third Millennium
Market-Oriented Product Innovation differs from most other titles, written either from a marketing or technical perspective, by giving a holistic view of the product innovation process. It has a product perspective, written from a managerial point
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Eliezer Geisler Methodology, Theory, and Knowledge in the Managerial and Organizational Sciences
Geisler argues that the over-reliance on co-variation techniques and statistical methods, instead of a process approach and in-depth analysis, produces meaningless knowledge in the managerial and organizational sciences, and indeed throughout all
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Peter Marks, Kathleen Riley Aligning Technology for Best Business Results
"Aligning Technology for Best Business Results" has fast become a popular guide for companies trying to make the best use of new design, manufacturing, and information technology. According to the book's authors, "If companies are going to spend
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