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Robin Dand The International Cocoa Trade
First imported to America more than five hundred years ago and propagated on a small scale until the eighteenth century, cocoa is now one of the most heavily traded food commodities in the world. While potentially very lucrative, trading in cocoa
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Amnon Levy, Joao Ricardo Faria Economic Growth, Inequality and Migration
During the growth process inequality may rise or decline, and the change in the level of inequality may, in turn, affect growth. An increase in inequality in one place and better prospects of growth and earnings elsewhere can trigger migration. As a
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Brian Coyle Cash Collection and Transmission (The Glenlake Risk Management Series)
Topics include: * record keeping for cash collection * strategies for enhanced cash collection * implementing integrated collection and transmission programs * case studies and sample exercises * integrating collection and transmission activities
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Jay G. Blumler, T.J. Nossiter Broadcasting Finance in Transition: A Comparative Handbook (Communication and Society)
This is an important study of the crucial issue of alternatives in commercial and public support of broadcasting in the U.S. and Europe. The Peacock Committee on Financing the BBC, a committee sponsored by the British government, commissioned Jay
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