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Aseem Prakash Greening the Firm: The Politics of Corporate Environmentalism
Over the past two decades environmental issues have become important in public and business policy. This book asks why firms sometimes voluntarily adopt environmental policies that go beyond legal requirements. Prakash argues that existing
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International Conference on Risk and Uncertainty in Environmental and, Hans-Peter Weikard, Robert D. Weaver, Justus Wesseler Risk and Uncertainty in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
This book explores some of the complexities of decision-making under risk and uncertainty in environmental and natural resource economics. Risk and uncertainty are inherent problems for economists, and the authors in this volume offer numerous
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W. Salomons, R. K. Turner, L. D. De Lacerda, S. Ramachandran Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (Environmental Science (Berlin, Germany).)
All coastal areas are facing a growing range of stresses and shocks, the scale of which now poses threats to the resilience of both human and environmental coastal systems. Responsible agencies are seeking better ways of managing the causes and
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John B. Braden, Charles D. Kolstad Measuring the Demand for Environmental Quality
Hardbound. The theory and practice of measuring consumer demand for environmental quality is comprehensively and practically reviewed in this book. It was perceived that there was a significant need for a book that was both theoretically rigorous
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