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Debora Di Gioacchino, Sergio Ginebi, Laura Sabani The Role of Organized Interest Groups in Policy Making (Central Issues in Contemporary Economic Theory and Policy)
The book collects ten papers which give a broad overview of the most recent economic studies in the fields of lobbying and special interest groups. This field of research has been attracting a growing interest in economic literature. The
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Matt Davies International Political Economy and Mass Communication in Chile : National Intellectuals and Transnational Hegemony (International Political Economy Series)
This book develops an approach to international political economy that focuses on culture. It examines Chilean communication scholarship as it developed under shifting political regimes and changing international political economic relations.
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Mark J. Valencia, Jon M. Van Dyke, Noel A. Ludwig Sharing the Resources of the South China Sea
All of the national claims to South China Sea area islands and ocean space have weaknesses. The dangerous and unstable state created by the unilateral actions of claimants and by the continuing opportunities for outside powers' involvement demand an
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NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Science for Reduction of Risk and s, Alik Ismail-Zadeh Risk Science and Sustainability: Science for Reduction of Risk and Sustainable Development for Society (NATO SCIENCE SERIES II MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY)
This volume contains peer-reviewed papers and case studies derived from invited papers. The contributions address two key problems: (i) natural, technological and environmental risks, risk prevention and sustainable development; and (ii) science,
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